
Who is eligible for Medicare?

Any individual receiving Social Security benefits at the age of 65 is automatically enrolled in the Medicare program. (Part A and Part B) starting on the first day of the month in which the individual turns 65. An individual not receiving Social Security benefits at the age of 65 has to enroll in the program during a designated enrollment period.

An individual receiving Social Security disability benefits for 24 months is automatically enrolled in the Medicare program.

Medicare Patients Rights

As a Medicare beneficiary, you have certain guaranteed rights. These rights protect you when you get health care; they assure you access to needed health care services; and they protect you against unethical practices. You have these Medicare rights whether you are in the Original Medical Plan or any Medicare Plan.

Your Rights Include:

  • The right to protection from discrimination in marketing and enrollment practices.
  • The right to information about what is covered and how much you have to pay.
  • The right to information about all treatment options available to you.
  • The right to appeal decisions to deny or limit payment for medical care.
  • The right to know how your Medicare health plan pays its doctors.
  • The right to choose a women’s health specialist.